American Regent

Energizing a respected pharmaceuticals giant with a new story and visual language


Bringing a new sense of agility and dynamism to a generic pharmaceuticals legacy

Formerly Luitpold Pharmaceuticals, the generic pharmaceuticals and injectables manufacturer American Regent tasked us with reenergizing what was a behind-the-scenes brand. With an understanding of the company culture of care for both their customers and production quality, we created a new brand narrative, visual identity system and digital presence that leveraged the story of their entirely US-based business model. Imbuing their new brand identity with the colors and character of their namesake, we repositioned American Regent as redefining a higher standard for responsiveness and product reliability. Given the company’s ambition of becoming one of the top generics companies in the world, Sequel was asked to reinvigorate the new brand and reestablish a strong marketplace presence. The fact that their existing customer base thought highly of their product quality as well as their roots as a US-based company provided an opportunity to both leverage the positive brand associations and showcase a new visual narrative.


  • Digital Strategy & Web Development
  • Environment & Experiential Branding
  • Logo & Visual Identity Systems
  • Marketing & Sales Enablement Tools

AMG Repositioning a partner to investment firms as an engine for shared growth