Private Equity Solutions

Unlocking brand value to accelerate growth

Our PE mission

We transform portfolio companies into high-performance brands.

Uncover your one true thing. Our Private Equity Solutions help private equity firms and portfolio company leadership develop a message that captures a singular truth for growing the business.

By elevating what sets the company and culture apart, we define the space it can own. Then we telegraph the tailored messages that matter most to investors, add-on prospects, customers and internal teams.

$6B Healthtech industry leader

Developed go-to-market story that merged two entities in the claims-cost-payments space to become an industry leader.

12x in 4 years

Crafted CEO vision through brand and digital presence to transform a regional alternative custody firm into an industry leader.

10x in 3 years

Repositioned and reenvisioned a regional financial services firm to acquire strategic add-ons and become a national franchise.

We work with leading private equity firms and portfolio companies

Select private equity firms

Select portfolio companies

We work with leading private equity and portfolio companies

Select private equity companies

Select portfolio companies

Private Equity Case Studies

We drive topline growth.

News & Insights

  • Insight

    A brief conversation with Dana Gonsalves

    Creative Director and culture-builder, Dana has been one of our creative and cultural leaders since 2001. Her passion for great ideas, great design and great food has made her one of the reasons Sequel is what it is. And her homemade holiday cookies that she shares with the team every year aren’t so bad either [...]

  • Insight

    Reflecting compassion and care through a new brand

    The goal of Proud Moments, a behavioral health agency that uses applied behavior analysis (ABA) therapy, is to help children diagnosed on the autism spectrum thrive. So, when they engaged Sequel to refresh their branding and update their website, we made it our goal to create a brand that reflected the hope, optimism and positivity that Proud Moments is all about [...]