Choreo Advisors
Establishing a different kind of wealth advisory relationship for a new “day one” experience

A carve-out opportunity needed a new name, a brand narrative and visual language — and a lasting launch-day impact.
An ace team of registered investment advisors was ready to step out on its own, creating a CPA-aligned wealth advisory and estate planning firm dedicated to orchestrating all aspects of the client’s financial life to harmonize their personal, family and business goals. Our tasks — as accelerated synchronous work streams — were clear: articulate a new brand narrative for the firm, give it an ownable name, and express its promise and value in a fresh, dynamic visual identity system and engaging digital presence. Enter Choreo.
Derived from choreography, the name suggests the virtuosity and rigor that go into being in lockstep with the client. Visuals use continuous line illustrations that trace the contours of people’s lives — a refreshing break from the stock photo clichés of retired couples sidling along a beach. The digital experience suggests a lively continuum of expertise that connects with the dance of life and delivers on what really matters: the client’s aspirations and outcomes.
- Digital Strategy & Web Development
- Employee Engagement & Activation
- Logo & Visual Identity Systems
- Market Insights & Brand Strategy
- Marketing & Sales Enablement Tools
- Naming & Brand Voice

Working closely with the C-level leaders and the operating partners is key to transforming sequential steps into synchronous work streams where strategy, design and development are working in parallel. The secret is making sure the right strategic drivers are agreed on early to provide the connective tissue all along the way.”
Credit Suisse • Consolidating over 60 disparate sites into one global — and singularly engaging — career portal