Repositioning a partner to investment firms as an engine for shared growth


Creating a distinct brand platform and digital presence to highlight a unique approach to partnership

For three decades, AMG has partnered with leading independent investment firms globally, building an unmatched track record of success. Recognizing an opportunity to redefine its market position, AMG sought to refocus the brand on its distinct partnership approach. We developed a compelling brand strategy and visual identity that distinguishes AMG and carried it through to a comprehensive marketing framework including sales enablement tools and an audience-driven website.

Our strategy emphasizes AMG’s role in magnifying the success of its partners. The new logo, with its modern typeface and typographic bridge at the M’s vertex, symbolizes the dynamic “hand in hand” relationship between AMG and its partners. The redesigned website brings all of the brand elements to life, showcasing AMG’s focus on partnership and shared success.


  • Digital Strategy & Web Development
  • Logo & Visual Identity Systems
  • Marketing & Sales Enablement Tools

AMG embraced its role as a partner that shares the entrepreneurial spirit of the independent investment firms it works with. That commitment to seeing the future through its partners’ eyes was fundamental to the brand strategy and comes through in all aspects of its marketing and sales tools.”

Alex Reid, Head of Strategy and Research

Apollo Global Management Building reputational capital